Shipping and delivery

Rates and schedules

How much will shipping cost?

Shipping charges are based on the shipping method you choose (either standard or express) and the size of your product order. When you make a purchase on, the shipping charge is estimated in your basket, and will appear on the Payment Options page of the checkout process.


When will I receive my order?

Please note that the number of days quoted for standard and express shipping refers to transit time only. Additional time (typically one business day) is required for processing in-stock orders. Refer to the chart for estimated delivery times.

You can use your order number to track the status of your shipment. Order information generally becomes available 24 hours after you place your order. Visit Track Your Order to check shipping status and other order details.


Standard shipping

Standard shipping for is by United States postal service (typically products weighing 2 lbs or less) or UPS ground. the specific carrier can be found on your email shipping confirmation or by visiting Track your order for orders shipped within the continental United States. Orders shipped to Alaska and Hawaii are sent by express shipping. Most standard shipments are delivered in five to six days from the shipping date (applies to in-stock items; subject to carrier delay; excludes order processing time).


A word about our shipping boxes

Please note that Bose® products come in distinctive packaging that showcases product image, name and features.


Express shipping

Express shipping is available for orders shipping to addresses in the United States. Express shipments are delivered one business day after the date the order ships (applies to in-stock items; subject to carrier delay; excludes order processing time).


We strive to keep all products sold on in stock, but high demand occasionally results in delayed shipment. Stock status is indicated on the product page and in your basket during checkout.


When you place an order online, the estimated delivery date is displayed on the Order Review page of the checkout process. This date is based on the stock status of the product ordered and your choice of standard or express shipping.

Reporting lost or damaged packages

Please call us at 1-800-999-2673 or send us an email, as per the instructions below. We will work with you to resolve the problem.


If the product is not delivered:

Please call us at 1-800-999-2673.


Or contact us online:

  1. Select the "Order Information" radio button
  2. Complete the form and enter the information about the missing order in the "Your message" text box
  3. Click the "Submit" button
  4. We will contact you regarding the problem


If the product is damaged:

Be sure to save your box and all packing materials in case an inspection or pickup is needed. Please call us at 1-800-999-2673.


  1. Re-pack the product in its original box
  2. Write the RMA number clearly on the outside of the box
  3. Be sure to use a package-shipping service such as United Parcel Service, Federal Express or the United States Postal Service that is able to track shipments. Ship the package to: Bose Replacements and Returns 3550 East 40th Street Yuma, AZ 85365
  4. When we receive your return, we will contact you about resolving the problem


Note: please be sure to write the RMA number clearly on the outside of the box. Failure to do so may result in your package being refused or cause delays in processing your refund.

Delivery confirmation signature

Bose Corporation works with all major carriers, including United Parcel Service and the United States Postal Service, to be sure products are delivered safely.


In some cases, a signature is required before a package can be left at your location. The delivery driver decides if a signature is needed, based on location, weather conditions and other factors. If you receive a notice stating delivery was attempted while you were out, please follow its instructions regarding an alternate delivery date or package pick-up.

APO/FPO and Military Exchanges

Bose Corporation does not ship directly to APO/FPO addresses. Since we cannot track packages after their arrival at APO/FPO drop-off points, we are reluctant to make shipments that may be misdirected or lost.


You can, however, order Bose products directly from the following military exchange websites: